José Otávio | Product Designer

Redesign a document analysis tool

Client: Cyrela Brazil Realty


Principal Product Designer


  • 6 Months (2022)


  • Research and discovery;
  • Interviews;
  • Prototype;
  • Test;



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There is an internal system aimed at analyzing the documentation sent from here. But the effectiveness and usability of it was precarious and needed to be adjusted.

The faster an analysis is done, the faster the end customer will be moving forward in the purchase process. So the tool needs to be robust to facilitate the employee's work and improve the customer experience.


- Small team whitout frontend specialist

- Complex and tied business rules

- Understand all layers of purchase, visualizing the customer journey and analysis journey


- Make the tool robust, with a design system prepared for new updates

- Reduce document analysis time

- Increase tool acceptance


The initial step was to carry out a quantitative tool satisfaction survey, which would serve as the basis for the rest of the discovery. With it I captured the main pains and calculated the NPS.

After that, I collected the main information and selected 8 users for interviews and observatory tests.


The choice of colors was based on the concept that blue conveys lightness, tranquility and security to the user, since it is a platform where it is necessary to be calm to read and analyze large documents.

The main thing was to bring a tool that does not lose its level of complexity, but that represents them in a better organized, accessible and clear way to the user. Making your thought load to be reduced in taking actions, and your path to be more evident.

Old one vs New One


30min to 17min

Reduced time in document analysis, data collected and analyzed through the Microsoft Clarity tool.

42 to 82 NPS

The NPS Score went from 42 to 82 in the last footage taken (3 months after the changes went up to PROD.


The main architecture of the project could not be changed, so I had to deal with some unforeseen events, the main idea was to hide the unnecessary and guide the client’s flow based on that. In addition, during development I had to help developers with the search for libraries, CSS questions and general support.

It was a challenge that exceeded my expectations, a tool has many rules tied together like a knot. And unraveling these knots is always a challenge.
